Labākais veids kā atrast savu Nekustamo īpašumu


I want to search for a property

Our agents work to make new offers every day. Come on in, take a look and enjoy yourself!

I want to offer a property

Our agents create results - faster, more convenient, more profitable!

Why cooperate with Trusted Latvia?

We are a "one-stop" real estate company - buy, sell, rent, arrange documents, plan investments - all this with us! Our priority at work is to find the best, most convenient and profitable solution for our client's needs.

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Houses, summer houses7


Active objects
Active buyers
Closed transactions
The distance walked by agents while showing objects

Trusted Latvia team

We want to build long-term relationships with our customers. We grow, develop and educate to provide the best service. Friendship first, business follows!

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Melisa Ilze Gailite
Real Estate Agent
+371 22042928
Melisa Alisa Sakovica
Real estate agent
+371 25 464 448
Aicis BaicisFacebook
Varu ieteikt Ilzi Gailīti - aktīva, zinoša profesionāle, kura man palīdzēja gan atrast īpašumu, gan izurbties caur birokrātijas koridoriem un pēc tam arī visu pacietīgi apstāstīja un ļoti ātri nokārtoja. Prieks, ka ir tādi cilvēki - paldies!
Eglė Aleksandra Marija OzolinčiūtėFacebook
If you are looking for an Agency, which you can trust with your real – estate issues, I highly recommend Trusted. These people put their mind and heart to look and find the best solutions to adress your situations, take care of your concerns as their own, provide you with wise and strategic advises. And much more, like for example they invite you for cofee with a wonderful panoramic view of Riga from their impressive and cozy office at the a top of the building. Trusted. Chosen
Ieva PlēsumaFacebook
Atsaucīgi, zinoši savas jomas profesionāļi. Iesakām visiem, kuriem nepieciešama palīdzība darījumos ar nekustamajiem īpašumiem. Īpaši patīkama sadarbība bija ar speciālisti Ilzi Gailīti. Paldies!
Zane Jēkabsone PleikaFacebook
Trusted Latvia un Ilze šķita kā svaiga gaisa malks, vērtējot līdzšinējo ne vienmēr pozitīvo pieredzi sadarbojoties ar citiem šīs jomas speciālistiem. Godprātīga, profesionāla un ļoti atsaucīga komunikācija! Patiesi iesaku!
Zita ZirneFacebook
Gribu pateikt mājīgu un sirsnīgu paldies :) Trusted Latvia māklerei Ilzei Gailītei par laipnību, pacietību (skaidrojot man visas juridiskās nianses, pārrakstot līgumu n-tās reizes un izstāstot, kur atrast Zemesgrāmatas pastkasti:). Iegādāties nekustamo īpašumu nav vienkārša lieta un lēmums, iegūt "mājas" sev un bērniem, pavisam ne-vienkārša un ir labi, ka blakus zinošs, precīzs un sirsnīgi pacietīgs profesionālis! PALDIES!
I wish

Meklēt īpašumu

Gochujang everyday carry vape fixie subway tile man braid occupy. Pok pok coloring book enamel pin

I wish

Piedāvāt īpašumu

Gochujang everyday carry vape fixie subway tile man braid occupy. Pok pok coloring book enamel pin

I wish

Meklēt īpašumu

Gochujang everyday carry vape fixie subway tile man braid occupy. Pok pok coloring book enamel pin

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Īpašuma tips


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nulla lorem, vestibulum ut semper sit amet, sagittis sed mauris.

I wish

Piedāvāt īpašumu

Gochujang everyday carry vape fixie subway tile man braid occupy. Pok pok coloring book enamel pin


Jūsu ziņa nosūtīta!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nulla lorem, vestibulum ut semper sit amet, sagittis sed mauris.